Create Race Map

Easily Create Informative Race Maps

Create your race map for FREE with informative icons. You can build an interactive race map for you marathon, half marathon, or any other running event with Race Entry’s easy race map creator.

Create A Race Map
race map generator

Race Elevation Chart

Your race elevation chart will automatically be created when you make your free race map. Your elevation chart can be customized to match your race colors. We automatically generate the code for your race elevation chart that can easily be added to your race website.

Create An Elevation Chart
race map elevation

Easily Add Race Maps to Your Site

Each race map you create can be integrated on your site easily with automatically generated code. In addition to your race map being able to integrate on your race website, we will make it visible on for participants to be able to find and learn about your race. We will give you your own race page on our searchable calendar, and your page will have a link to your race website. This page can even host a video or photo of your race if you have one to show.

Increase your participation today by using the best Race Mapping Tool on the web.

add race map to website

Detailed Marathon Maps Save You Time

The saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. The same can also be said about a good marathon map. Your participants have many questions, and a detailed race map can answer almost all of them:

  • What is the race course
  • Where should I park
  • Where are the portapotties located?
  • How many aid stations will there be?
  • Where will the aid stations be?
  • Are there any good areas for spectators?
  • Where is the bus pickup?
  • Where is the finish line?
  • Do you have an expo?
  • Where is the expo?
  • Where should I pick up my packet?
  • Is the race downhill?
  • How many hills are in the race?

Nothing else answers all of these questions more quickly than a good race map. And nothing makes a better race map than our race map builder.

race map checklist

Course Maps Created Quickly

You can create course maps in just a few short minutes. A running course map can be created for each of your distances and displayed on your race website with zoom in-and-out capabilities. Make your running event's course map today with our easy to use course map builder. First, create an account. Next, create your race (registration not required). Last, create your race map.

Create Free Race Map
create race maps

Route Map for your Charitable Race

There are many reasons why people select a race. A good route for the participants is among the top reasons that participants will choose a race. If your course is easy or fast it will encourage more participation. Learn other ways to Grow your race here. If your route is scenic it will also help to grow your race. Our race maps will help you to show the ease, and beauty of your route. People want to know what they are signing up for and the street view on your map will give them those pictures that are worth a thousand words. In addition to using a race map to grow your race you should also think about including a charity with your race. Some participants exclusively look for charitable races to participate in. Learn about fundraising strategies with races here.