Newington Library 5K Challenge Race Description
Welcome to the 28th Annual 5K Road Race Challenge
to benefit the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington CT
This is a flat, fast and certified course.
The first 200 registrants receive a dri-fit T-shirt.
We encourage runners to stay for the awards ceremony and the drawing for many free door prizes after the race.
What are the essential details?
- When: Sunday, May 18, 2025 at 9 AM
- Where: Millpond Park & Garfield Street
- Why: Help us raise funds to maintain the Library's charm and elegance
- Who: Anyone and everyone! Kids and adults are welcome
Registration Information:
- $25 - January thru March (Early Bird)
- $30 - April 1st thru online registration closing on May 16, 2025
- $35 - Race Packet Pickup /Race Day
- $10 - Children (12 and under) - no price change
- Gender Categories are: Male, Female, Nonbinary/Genderqueer, and Prefer Not To Say
Race Timing and Packet Pick-up:
- Run or walk our flat, fast and certified course!
- Two pick up options: Saturday prior to the race between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Library and on the morning of race – pickup up opens at 7:45 AM
- Electronic Timing
Little Readers Sprint:
The Little Readers Sprint kicks off 9:45 a.m. for kids between ages 2 and 5 (must be accompanied by a registered runner/walker - complimentary online registration). The entry fee for children in the Little Readers Sprint is $10. The fee is waived for any child whose parent/escort is a registered race participant. If paying the $10 fee, parents/escorts accompanying their children may participate for free. All children must have a waiver signed by a parent/guardian to participate. Waivers are signed during the registration process. Register online or register in person on race day. All Little Readers will receive a finisher’s medal and fun swag.
Race Perks and Timing
- Free dri-fit T-shirt for the first 200 registrants (new shirt color each year)
- Mile Markers and Water Stations
- Pre-race warm-up at 8:45 AM
- Post-race refreshments provided by the Friends of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library, Rose Hill Memorial Park and Kingston Wealth Management (our 2025 Hospitality Sponsors)
- Select vendors on site
- Awards Ceremony
- Free raffle drawings for all runners and walkers (must submit your tear off bib # and be present to win)
- All participants will receive a 2025 Dining Partner Ticket valid at participating restaurants. Click here for more details.
- Race results will be posted onsite and online
- All other details can be found on the Library’s race page
- Location: Newington, CT 06111
- Race Date: 2025/05/18 09:00:00 AM (Sunday)
- Youth
- General
- Virtual Participant
- Little Readers Sprint
- Little Readers Sprint (without adult paid entry)
Newington Library 5K Challenge Where & When
Most Helpful Review
Solid Race
A good 5K for PRS, it is mostly flat with one fair uphill which is met with an equal downhill a bit later in the course. Besides some quick turns which can slow you down a bit, it's a smooth all-road race which will allow to run some fast times. There is a clock at mile 1 and 2 to help with pacing. My PR on the course is a 16:50, hoping to grab the course record (like 15:40) sometime in the next few years!
Solid Race
A good 5K for PRS, it is mostly flat with one fair uphill which is met with an equal downhill a bit later in the course. Besides some quick turns which can slow you down a bit, it's a smooth all-road race which will allow to run some fast times. There is a clock at mile 1 and 2 to help with pacing. My PR on the course is a 16:50, hoping to grab the course record (like 15:40) sometime in the next few years!
Well organized and fun community race with perks of t-shirt, post race food, and PT stretching table. Relatively flat course with mile marks, water stations and neighbors cheering you on. Proceeds go to a terrific organization!
Newington 5k- The Best Every Year!
We have participated in the Newington Library 5k for more than 3 years and have a great time- which is why we keep coming back! The event has something for everyone- from the Little Readers Sprint to the full 5k- the energy of the event is so uplifting. We also love all the raffles and awards at the end of the race. I highly recommend this 5k to anyone looking for a fun morning run with their family or friends. Can't wait to participate again this year!

Newington, CT Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.