Associated Charities Turkey Trot
Join us on 11/28/2025
(race date estimated)Associated Charities Turkey Trot Race Description
The Associated Charities of Lenawee County (ACLC) will be hosting the 12th Annual Turkey Trot, Thursday, November 28th at 8:30 AM. The race will begin at Siena Heights University Fieldhouse in Adrian, MI. All proceeds benefit ACLC to support their efforts to provide for the basic needs of low income citizens in Lenawee County.
Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to help race morning run smoothly. Race day registration is available, but race time is not guaranteed for day of registration. The Fieldhouse will be open for bathroom use and refreshments. Race day packets will be available the morning of the race.
Awards will be handed out at the end of the race. Top 3 males & females for each category will be awarded. Results will be posted for viewing at the event and on our website.
Register by November 15th for long-sleeved shirt guarantee and race discount price of $25. Register from November 18th - November 22nd for the price of $30. If no shirt, price is $20. Online registration closes November 22nd.
- Location: Adrian, MI 49221
- Race Date: 2024/11/28 08:30:00 AM (Thursday)
- Registration- Includes T-Shirt
- Registration - No Shirt
Associated Charities Turkey Trot Where & When
Associated Charities Turkey Trot Reviews
Adrian, MI Weather
Last year the weather condition was Cloudy.